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Permits and Licenses


Some licenses such as animal and liquor licenses are regulated by the State.   A license to close a street for a block party or place a dumpster in the right-of-way temporarily were designed by the City to accommodate the needs of the residents and businesses. 


The following are permits and licenses residents or business owners are required to obtain from the City of Evansville Clerk's Office:

​Alcohol Licenses

The purpose of alcohol licensing in the State of Wisconsin is to better ensure the public health and welfare of Wisconsin residents.

The State of Wisconsin requires all persons who vend, sell, deal or traffic intoxicating liquors or fermented malt beverages to be licensed with their local government.

As a result, anyone who vends, sells, deals or traffics any alcoholic beverages within City limits, in any amount, is required to first obtain a license from the City of Evansville (See Wisconsin Statues §125 and Chapter 6 Alcohol Beverages in the City of Evansville Municipal Code).

  • NEW Alcohol Beverage Municipal Retail License Forms

    • AB-100 – Alcohol Beverage Individual Questionnaire (Formerly AT-103/103a, Supplemental/Auxiliary Questionnaire)
    • AB-101 – Alcohol Beverage Appointment of Agent (Formerly AT-104 Schedule for Appointment of Agent and AT-200 Appointment of Successor Agent)

    • AB-200 – Alcohol Beverage Retail License Application (Formerly AT-106 Original Alcohol Beverage License Application and AT-115 Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Application)

      • Under 2023 Wisconsin Act 73, municipalities and retailers must use these new forms for license applications and renewals. Note: Forms AT-103, AT-103a, AT-104, AT-106, AT-115, and AT-200 are discontinued.

      • To move necessary forms quickly and accommodate changes in the law, a renewal alcohol beverage license form is not available. All existing licensees should use AB-200, Alcohol Beverage Retail License Application to reapply for their licenses.

      • A temporary retail license application, license and permit transfer application, and restricted investor affidavits are in the works and will be released in the coming weeks. For more information about the changes to Chapter 125 affecting retail licensees, please read the February 2024 Edition of DOR on Tap

  • Alcohol Retail License-Temporary Class B License
  • Alcohol Retail License-Temporary Extension of Premises
  • Operator's (Bartender's) License - Municipal  - List all pending citations, tickets, or criminal charges. Also list any previous citations, municipal or ordinance violations and criminal convictions. You do not need to list parking tickets. Applications with omissions may not pass review. Read the entire application before submitting it.
  • State-Issued Operator's Permits available January 1, 2025. 

    A state-issued operators’ permit will be valid in any Wisconsin municipality and may be used at any licensed/permitted premises within Wisconsin. A statewide operator’s license may be used on a permitted vessel (boat).  An application for an operator’s permit must be made to the Division of Alcohol Beverages (DAB) using an online application system. The applicant must pay the fee ($200) established by DAB for the operator’s permit. scroll down to Excise box and click Operator's Permit.


Cigarette, Tobacco, and Vapor Product License

Animal Licenses

Business Permits

Issued Mobile Vendor Permits & Solicitor Licenses

Issuance Individual Name Business Name Type






Street Use Permits


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Meet Our Staff

Leah Hurtley

City Clerk
