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Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan

A Vision for Evansville

Evansville is a unique, inclusive and vibrant city with the atmosphere and character of a small urban village. Quality of life is high, with recreation and services easily accessible by many modes of transportation. A sense of community is promoted through urban design and mutual respect.


The historic identity of Evansville is reinforced by continuous architectural maintenance and restoration throughout the City, while innovative City policies and property owners maintain modern amenities, management practices, and energy independence. Evansville’s downtown is a successful, active and attractive gathering place for shopping and community events, providing a vibrant third space for residents, employees and visitors.  Evansville is an inviting place for entrepreneurs and start-ups, with many innovative businesses populating the City.

2022 Update to the Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan

Common Council adopted the latest version of the Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan in 2022. Click on a link below to read how Evansville plans for its future.

Chapter 1:  Smart Growth Summary

Chapter 2:  Introduction

Chapter 3:  Issues and Opportunities

Chapter 4:  Housing Element

Chapter 5:  Transportation Element

Chapter 6:  Utilities, Community Facilities, & Services

Chapter 7:  Agricultural, Natural, & Cultural Resources

Chapter 8:  Economic Development

Chapter 9:  Existing Land Use

Chapter 10:  Future Land Use

Chapter 11:  Intergovernmental Cooperation

Chapter 12:  Implementation


Map 5.1  Transportation Plan Map 

Map 6.1  Sanitary Sewer Service Areas Map

Map 6.2  Storm Sewer Service Area Map

Map 6.3  Water System Service Area Map

Map 6.4  Electrical System Documentation  

Map 6.5  Utilities and Community Facilities Map 

Map 7.1  Natural Features and Development Challenges

Map 8.1  Current TIF Districts Map

Map 9.1  Existing Land Use Map 

Map 9.2  Existing Zoning Map

Map 10.1  Future Land Use Map




We heard from you! Thanks!

2022 Community Survey Results   


What is the Comprehensive Plan?

Evansville’s comprehensive plan is a document that looks forward to the next 20 years of growth in Evansville. It combines a profile of the City’s demographic, economic, and housing characteristics; an inventory of the environment, community facilities, and other resources; an overall vision that its supported by goals, objectives and policies; and the City’s Future Land Use Map.

This map is perhaps the most widely used part of the comprehensive plan. It provides the future land use pattern that directs future growth within the City’s jurisdictional boundary.  

What’s Smart Growth?

In 1999, the State of Wisconsin adopted a law that provided a shared framework for comprehensive plans around the state. This was referred to as the Smart Growth law. You’ll see comprehensive plans referred to as “comp plans”, “Smart Growth plans”, or simply just “the Plan.”

Didn’t we just update the Plan?

Evansville has kept and updated a master plan since 1986.  The currently adopted plan was update in late 2015.

Regularly updating this living document provides the City with the opportunity to re-assess its long-term goals and priorities. Without it, public officials and private citizens lack a shared vision of Evansville’s future.  The plan is a guide used by City committees and commission, City staff, residents and other stakeholders to make informed decisions and manage the City’s future growth.  

This particular update will incorporate data and results from the 2020 Census. Since 2010, the City’s population has grown 13.7 percent, and that growth is expected to continue. Knowing how the population has shifted over time will help the City understand where its priorities and resources should be spent.

2022 Documents


Public Participation Plan