Under Municipal Code Sec. 2-144 the City Administrator has the responsibilities and duties of managing the day-to-day operations of the City. This would be representing the City as an ex-officio to many boards and committees, developing budgets, monitoring fiscal activities, keeping Council informed of various law changes and operational needs, and administering personnel activities.
Common Council adopts an annual budget in the fall of each year for the upcoming fiscal year.
The Common Council adopts an annual CIP with a 9 year outlook for long term projects, allowing council to make annual budget plans based on multi-year priorities. Additional projects are listed in the plan, but not yet assigned a year for implementation. The projects and priorities identified in the CIP are a result of public input, department needs, and engineering recommendations for infrastructure and will change over time as costs and priorities change.
The Common Council engages an independent auditor an annual basis to audit the City's financial accounts and procedures. These audits are performed after the end of a budget year and typically presented for review 4 to 6 months after the end of the fiscal year.
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