The City of Evansville takes water quality and reliability very seriously and works with the City Engineer, Town & Country Engineering, on a regular basis to address concerns and plan improvements to the water system.
The City recently worked with the City Engineer to complete a survey of all known information regarding the water laterals throughout the system. Lead and galvanized steel water lines can pose a risk to your health, as lead exposure can occur through drinking water, especially if lead pipes, plumbing fixtures, or solder are present in your home’s water system. The City replaces the City portion of all water laterals under the streets as part of reconstruction projects, the portion nearest your home is the responsibility of each homeowner to maintain and replace. Please see resources below and complete the Lead Service Lateral Survey.
Lead Service Lateral Survey 2024 Lead Service Inventory Nov 2024 Notification Letter
The City of Evansville continues working with the City Engineer to map and monitor changes in water quality. Hydrant flushing, fire emergency events, and construction can affect water quality. If you notice water quality issues, please click on the button below to fill out the Water Quality Issues form. Town & Country Engineering provided a Memo to City staff providing an update on their work investigating water quality concerns, you can also find it below
Report Water Quality Issues December 13th Water Quality Memo