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Information on other committees that serve important functions, or are multi-jurisdictional are listed below. Committee vacancies are also listed below when available.

Current Committee Vacancies:






Committees, commissions, and boards play a significant role in helping city staff, the Common Council and the Mayor in making decisions that affect the lives of Evansville residents. The City of Evansville values board participation in these bodies and highly encourages residents to get involved. Committee positions are open to City of Evansville residents; if you’re interested in serving your community please contact Jason Sergeant at 608-882-2266 or by email at



Statutory board with the responsibility of for redevelopment programs primarily located in the downtown/TID 5 area.  7 residents of the city shall serve as commissioners of the authority.  In making appointments of commissioners, the appointing power shall give due consideration to the general interest of the appointee in a redevelopme3nt, slum clearance or urban renewal program and shall insofar, as possible, designate representatives from the general public, labor, industry, finance or business group, and civic organizations. Appointees shall have sufficient ability and experience in related fields, especially in the fields of finance and management, to assure efficiency in the redevelopment program, its planning and direction. One of the 7 commissioners shall be a member of the local legislative body. No more than 2 of the commissioners may be officers of the city in which the authority is created.  This board meets as needed.  Wis. Stats. § 66.1333(3)

Term: 5 years, Expiring 2023, 2025, 2026 (staggering terms)

Committee Member Interest 

If you are interested in participating in a Committee, please fill out the form to help guide each interest to the best fit possible. 


Committee Interest Form




Board of Review - Statutory citizen board that hears and decides appeals by property owners regarding the assessed value placed on their property by the City Assessor.  The Board meets annually. Guide for Board of Review Members

Energy Independence - This advisory committee meets quarterly to discuss, recommend, and monitor the City efforts for energy sustainability and conservation efforts. 

Evansville Fire Protection District - This committee is independent of the City, with two City Alderpersons on the 6 member board.  They typically meet the first Tuesday of the month at the Fire Station at 425 Water Street.

Evansville Youth Center (EYC) Committee - This committee provides general direction of the EYC operations, with a focus on positive encouragement of youth in grades 5-8.  Committee members typically consist of employees of the Evansville School District, residents within School District boundaries, and residents within City boundaries.  One of  the appointed City Alderpersons is the chair of the committee. They meet the fourth (4th) Monday of each month at the Youth Center while school is in session.  

Eager Free Public Library Board - Board Members of the library board are appointed per Wisconsin State Statutes. § 43.54. The Board meets the 4th  Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the Eager Free Public Library, 39 W Main Street, Evansville, WI 53536.

Police Commission - Statutory citizen board that approves hiring, promotions and discipline of officers.  The Public Safety Committee oversees the general operations, not the Police Commission.  This board meets as needed. 

Redevelopment Authority - Statutory board with the responsibility of for redevelopment programs primarily located in the downtown/TID 5 area.  This board meets as needed.  

Tourism Commission - There are up to nine members appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Common Council. Members typically include those with tourism, lodging, and marketing interests. The Commission coordinates the tourism promotion and tourism development activities in the City and meets every two months.  

Zoning Board of Appeals - Reviews appeals to Plan Commission or Zoning Administration decisions. The Board authority to hear and decide special exceptions to zoning ordinances and authorize variances. The Board meets as needed.


Meet Our Staff


Jason Sergeant

City Administrator
