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Flood Information

The City of Evansville has FEMA floodplain designated areas within the city. Most of these areas are along Allen Creek. Special development rules apply to work done in these areas as part of a permit.


Location of floodplain and floodway areas are depicted on maps maintained at City Hall. The Community Development Director and City Engineer can assist in answering questions and determining if a property is within a designated floodplain. Local flood problems can exist on properties located outside the designated floodplain areas.

Digital FIRM panels are also available to view through Rock County GIS


Any grading work done on or around your property may need a permit. Always check with the City before you begin work. Zoning and Building Permit Applications are available here.

Certified Rating System (CRS)

The city participates in the CRS program and is certified as a Class 7 community, resulting in a lowering of flood insurance premiums for residents. Additionally, the certification acknowledges the work the city does to manage floodplain areas and educate residents of best practices.

Know Your Risk!

Flooding remains the country’s number one disaster and can potentially affect everyone and every property. Learn more about how to protect you, your family, and your property at this website: Prepare Your Home or Business for Flood Risk


R: Reduce Your Risk

I: Insure Your Risk

S: Share Information on Risk

K: Know Your Risk and Your Community's Risk



The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

The NFIP offers flood insurance to help you protect the life you’ve built and recover more quickly after a flood.

Floodplain Zoning Ordinance for the City of Evansville, Wisconsin

This ordinance provides a uniform basis for the preparation, implementation and administration of sound floodplain regulations for all floodplains within the city.

Meet Our Staff


Brian Berquist

City Engineer



Colette Spranger

Community Development Director
