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Evansville Economic Development Resources

Looking to expand your business in Evansville? Confidential assistance is available for businesses and industries seeking information on site locations, financing, utility rates, taxes, labor availability and wage rates, housing and other resources available to business and industry in the Evansville area.

Building Improvement Grant (BIG)

Wanting to impress your customers or just improve how your building looks? This is a matching grant of up to $2,000 for facade and entry improvements for any business within the City of Evansville. 

This grant is now competitive. A total of FOUR grants will be distributed after review by a committee of community members. 

Questions? Call the Community Development Director at (608) 882-2263 or e-mail

Applications for 2024 are due August 31, 2024. Apply today!


Building Improvement Grant Application


Evansville Economic Development Committee: The City's Economic Development Committee is the lead agency in the City to assist business and industry in locating in the area. Other city, county and state organizations and agencies are also available to offer a variety of general and specialized assistance programs.

Evansville Redevelopment Authority:  The City's Redevelopment Authority focuses on the traditional downtown area of Main Street and an extension up Union Street.  Much of this area is in Tax Incremental District #5. 

Evansville Chamber of Commerce: The Chamber of Commerce was formed to bring business, industry, and professional firms and individuals together to improve and promote Evansville.

Revolving Loan Fund (RLF):  The Economic Development Committee administers a revolving loan fund below market rates for businesses throughout the city.  Issuance of a loan from this fund requires review and approval by the Loan Review Board, Economic Development Committee, and Common Council.  Policy and Application Form.

Evansville Water & Light:  Through WPPI Energy and the statewide Focus on Energy program, our municipal electric utility has access to a number of energy efficiency incentives.  Business customers can reduce their operating costs, increase their bottom lines and improve productivity, employee comfort and customer satisfaction.  

REDL&G:  Evansville Water & Light is eligible to compete for grants and loan funding through the US Department of Agriculture's Rural Economic Development Loan & Grant program.  Zero-interest loans can be used for projects that create or retain jobs.


Meet Our Staff


Colette Spranger

Community Development Director
