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Refuse, Recycling & Brush

Curbside Trash/Recycling Service


The City of Evansville contracts curbside collection service with Badgerland Disposal/LRS. Badgerland/LRS will provide recycling and refuse collection for all residents on Thursdays. Under the curbside collection program each resident will receive poly-carts for their recyclables (biweekly service) and for their trash (weekly service). 



2025 Garbage & Recycling Calendar



Additional information or any questions may be answered by calling Badgerland Disposal at 608-580-0580 or emailing


Introduction letter



New Refuse and Recycling Collection Service

To set up an account for garbage collection, water, sewer and/or electrical service please contact City Hall at 608-882-2266, option 1.   
The staff at City Hall will set up your billing for garbage collection, but the City does not operate the garbage and recycling collection service.  


Curbside Collection Services


Yard Waste 

Collection of branches, brush and yard waste debris is scheduled from April to October, on the first (1st) full work week of the month.  All grass clipping and small yard waste must be placed in a paper bag or a container that can be emptied and placed back onto the parking area.  No plastic bags. 
Yard waste should not be raked or blown into the street.  Please be kind and blow your lawn clippings into your yard for natural decomposing.  When the lawn clippings clump together they create major clogs in the stormwater drainage system which can contribute to flash flooding and standing water in the streets.



Curbside leaf collection begins after curbside yard waste collection ends and will continue until snow accumulates or the end of November. Municipal Services requests that leaves are left loose on the curb. You may also take them to the Yard Waste Drop Site, located at 465 Water St (next to the Fire Station).


Holiday Tree 

Curbside tree collection will begin the first workday following Christmas Day and continue until snow accumulates or the end of January. It will then resume in April when the yard waste curbside collection begins.


Drop Site for Yard Waste & E-Recycling (April-November)

Hours of Operation for 2025: Now Open

Wednesdays: 5-7pm (March 26 through October 29th)

Saturdays: 9am-2:30pm (March 22nd 5th through November 22nd)



At this site you can dispose of grass clippings, leaves, branches and general yard waste.

Leaves need to be in a bin or paper bags.

Location is at 465 Water Street (next to the Fire Station). 


E-Waste Guidelines

A list of the most common electronic devices in the rule is as follows:

  • Consumer computers

  • Computer peripherals (i.e. keyboards, mouse, etc...)

  • Televisions and other video display devices

  • Fax machines

  • VCRs and DVD players

  • Consumer printers

  • Phones with video displays (i.e. cell phones)

Please refer to Wisconsin State Statute 287.07(5)(a) for the complete list of electronic devices that are regulated under this law.


Now Offering

Non-Evansville residents and area commercial businesses access now available through paid permits.  See forms below.

We are offering open access to tree remnants under 16" diameter for firewood.  Simply load up and drive off.  Wood chips and compost may also be available as supplies last and placed in designated collection areas.

We do not accept: dimensional lumber, plastics, hanging baskets, dirt and regular garbage



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