Renewable Energy Programs for Residents
Renewable Energy Blocks - If it doesn't make sense to put solar or wind turbines on your property, you can still purchase renewable energy from us.
Solar Installation Checklist- This guide will help you understand the process of putting solar on your home or business.
Complete Distributed Generation Application and Solar Supplement Application
Focus on Energy Incentives for Renewable Energy- These incentives are offered on a first-come-first-served basis.
Focus on Energy Free Energy Savings Products - Take advantage of ways to use energy smarter and reduce energy waste in your home. Focus on Energy offers six different energy saving packs - all sent to you for free. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. For more information on pack options, eligibility requirements, and product installation videos, click here.
Residential Solar - The City of Evansville can buy the renewable energy your house produces. CLICK HERE to download a brochure on solar installation.
Renewable Energy Blocks for Businesses- Consider purchasing renewable energy from us. If you purchase 100% renewable energy to power your business, you can bet your customers would like to know. We can help you spread the word.
Renewable Energy Grants for Non-Profit Organizations- We offer grants to non-profit organizations that can't take advantage of the various tax credits available to other for-profit entities.
Focus on Energy Renewable Energy Programs for Business- Check out the various programs that Focus on Energy has to offer. These programs have limited funding.
As your not-for-profit local municipal utility, we want to do whatever we can to help. If you have questions about the energy efficiency programs we offer, please contact: Darren Jacobson, Energy Services Manager, (608)-720-8082