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Starting a Business

Evansville fosters an entrepreneurial environment and encourages business growth. Check out some of these resources:

Eager Free Public Library offers business related books and periodicals, access to the ReferenceUSA business database, and free computer classes.

Inventors and Entrepreneurs Club (I&E) has a mission to increase networking and referrals within the community, to provide educational opportunities through speakers, and a chance for local businesses and non-profits to build awareness by facilitating the networking of entrepreneurs, inventors, and investors to help bring new business ideas to fruition.  

The Rock County Entrepreneurial Business Development Program is a regional resource that assists start-ups and small businesses located in Rock County, WI. Through collaborative, value-added partnerships, this offering provides opportunities to develop customized, business specific assistance. From coaching / mentoring to diving deep into conceptual and/or operational topics, leverage this free consultative service to position your business for success.