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Business FAQs

Do I need a business license from the city to open a business?

No, the City of Evansville does not have a business license requirement.  Depending on your business type, you may need licensing from the state or county.  Additional zoning permits with the City may also be needed for more intensive uses.

Can I operate a business out of my own home?

Yes, Evansville encourages entrepreneurship and has seen many successful home based businesses grow and prosper.  If your business does not take walk-in customers, require warehousing of goods, or have need of dedicated parking or loading areas, then it is likely you can run a business from your home.

What is a Conditional use Permit and do I need one?

A Conditional Use Permit allows special permission for some business types to operate in the City.  Food establishments and theaters are an example of a business that may need a Conditional Use Permit.

Do I need a sign permit to put up a sign for my business?

Yes, all signs need a sign permit and need to meet the Sign ordinance for size and location.  If your business is in a historic district it will need extra review by the Historic Preservation Committee.